Mister Oy: Red coat on the bridge
Mister Oy: 19 Arches
Mister Oy: Gone Fishing
Mister Oy: Autumn at The Dam
Mister Oy: 60163 Tornado
Mister Oy: 60163 Tornado
Mister Oy: Camouflage
Mister Oy: Willow weeps
Mister Oy: The Nineteen Arches
Mister Oy: Dappled Pooch
Mister Oy: Trouble at t'mill
Mister Oy: The Halo
Mister Oy: UNLOCK
ScreamingSkulls: 8400 Tempo
ScreamingSkulls: Drone Fly - Eristalis tenax
Mister Oy: Co-op building
ScreamingSkulls: Pied Wagtail - Motacilla alba yarrellii
ScreamingSkulls: Pied Wagtail - Motacilla alba yarrellii
ScreamingSkulls: Heron in the early morning light
ScreamingSkulls: Juvenile Coot on Nest
ScreamingSkulls: Great Crested Grebe - Podiceps cristatus
ScreamingSkulls: Robin - Erithacus rubecula
ScreamingSkulls: Great Tit - Parus major
ScreamingSkulls: Take Off! Lesser Black Backed Gull - Larus fuscus
ScreamingSkulls: Number 9
ScreamingSkulls: Male Chaffinch - Fringilla coelebs
Mister Oy: Spill the light
ScreamingSkulls: Black-headed Gull - Larus ridibundus (winter plummage)
ScreamingSkulls: Gull doing a low pass