gr0uch0: la cacahuète spatiale.
Frédéric Sidler: Rolex Learning Center
agastager: circle
agastager: Sanaa SUI
agastager: hole
agastager: white
ElectricActions1983: Ouest lausanne
pfauland: DSCF1254_bw
pfauland: Study time
pfauland: Student Work
pfauland: into the light
pfauland: Art meets Architecture
pfauland: 14:24
Iris_14: Le ballon rouge
ArchiDju: Family playing with the elevator
ArchiDju: Extérieur Rolex Learning Center
ArchiDju: DSC_0093
ArchiDju: DSC_0103
ArchiDju: Under the spotlights
J:)RGEN: No parking
J:)RGEN: Sunset
Hamza.H: Rolex Learning Center, EPFL, Switzerland
CSDZ: Panorama 82
CSDZ: IMG_96342 copie
CSDZ: Panorama 62
CSDZ: Panorama 10
anarchitecte: Rolex Learning Center
katiaseifong: LAUSANNE
anarchitecte: coquelicots le long d'un mur