ababhastopographer: weeping willow
PattayaPatrol: DSC_3296: a close up of a person wearing a necklace
Chris Toombes: The King's Own Calgary Regiment (RCAC) Parade
torstenbehrens: Cabeza de mujer de bronce de Klaus Kütemeier en el parque de la ciudad de Rendsburg.
Chris Toombes: Candid Street
ababhastopographer: the aqueduct
torstenbehrens: A sausage always works!
ababhastopographer: waterway
ababhastopographer: after rain
Chris Toombes: Candid street
Chris Toombes: Stranger Portrait - Kevin
Chris Toombes: Stranger Portrait - Kevin
Chris Toombes: Stranger Portrait - name withheld
ababhastopographer: after rain
Resident Forest Creature: Oak has sprouted
torstenbehrens: gravel works
torstenbehrens: the sun is setting over a field of yellow flowers - Rapeseed and sunset
BKFofOF: Nebel am Taufstein
PattayaPatrol: DSC_3501: a woman standing on top of a beach next to the ocean
torstenbehrens: Encounter under the bridge.
PattayaPatrol: DSC_5067: a woman wearing a blue hat and apron
PattayaPatrol: DSC_5084: a person using a spray gun on a tray of food
PattayaPatrol: DSC_5066: a man wearing an orange hat looking at a tray of doughnuts