lamarstyle: Air fryer grilled cheese
lamarstyle: Horse ranch
StumpyPeter: Hillarys Light Festival
lamarstyle: Local joint with great breaded fries!
lamarstyle: What’s at your feet?
milojimenez60: Observar
milojimenez60: Big tower
javiruiz: Santa Sofia panorama
lamarstyle: Yard stuff
lamarstyle: Breakfast cabinet
lamarstyle: Our Subarus are resting
milojimenez60: Long exposure
lamarstyle: Checking for mail
lamarstyle: Morning
lamarstyle: Morning on the lake.
lamarstyle: Reflections
lamarstyle: Morning skies
jpkissel46: In a world all his own. “ Now according to my guidebook, the bus stop must be around here somewhere.”
Foto dresch: Tabak
Foto dresch: Stanwell
Carlos M. M.: Castillo de Loarre
Pierre Blzqz: Le Mont Saint-Michel
milojimenez60: Long exposure
Foto dresch: Rote Karte für die AfD!
Foto dresch: AfD? Nein Danke!
Foto dresch: The Black and white cat
Foto dresch: Kienzle Markant