kdmadore: A purposeful machine
old_skool_metal_head: Silver Creek Logging 2 truck Heisler
kdmadore: Just a hint of fall color remaining
kdmadore: Haulin' empties
kdmadore: In search of timber
kdmadore: Where the Shays play
kdmadore: A "clean side" portrait in B&W
kdmadore: The rocky hills and arid plains of Central Oregon
Texas Track Car: Study #17
Texas Track Car: Study #18
kdmadore: A Heisler in its element
kdmadore: V-Twin Power
thomasrivettephotography: Niles Canyon Steam Freight
thomasrivettephotography: Niles Canyon Steam Freight
thomasrivettephotography: Niles Canyon Steam Freight
thomasrivettephotography: Niles Canyon Steam Freight
thomasrivettephotography: Niles Canyon Steam Freight
thomasrivettephotography: Niles Canyon Steam Freight
thomasrivettephotography: Niles Canyon Steam Freight
thomasrivettephotography: Niles Canyon Steam Freight
thomasrivettephotography: Niles Canyon Steam Freight
thomasrivettephotography: Niles Canyon Steam Freight
thomasrivettephotography: Niles Canyon Steam Freight
thomasrivettephotography: Niles Canyon Steam Freight