Yaris RV: Rémora
Yaris RV: Fish
Barbiejay2: P5210100_1
Barbiejay2: P5210067_1
Barbiejay2: P3260251_1
Barbiejay2: P3260306_1
Krepatura: Telescope Fish
Yaris RV: Discus fish
kadely: Couple de colisa bleu (blog)
kadely: DSC02371 Betta Splendens (combattant)
kadely: DSC01319c Betta Splendens
ed_baillie: IMG_3061.jpg
ed_baillie: IMG_3058.jpg
Bernard Spragg: Reef trigger fish.
Bernard Spragg: Milkfish. (Bangus)
Yaris RV: Angelfish
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com Peixes - Peixe-palhaço ou Peixe-das-anémonas - Series with fishes - 01-12-2012 - IMG_5637
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com peixes - Series with fishes 30-05-2008 595
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com peixes marinhos - Series with marine fishes - 18-02-2012 - IMG_4185
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com peixes marinhos - Series with marine fishes - 18-02-2012 - IMG_4114
Yaris RV: Betta
Yaris RV: Crown tail betta
Yaris RV: Anémona
Yaris RV: Angelfish
Andrej Jakubík: Trichogaster lalius (Hamilton, 1822) Dwarf gourami
Andrej Jakubík: Symphysodon aequifasciatus Pellegrin, 1904 Blue discus
Andrej Jakubík: Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) Zebra danio
Andrej Jakubík: Betta splendens, Siamese fighting fish (Regan, 1910)
Andrej Jakubík: Aulonocara calico and Aulonocara fire fish
Andrej Jakubík: Trichogaster lalius (Hamilton, 1822) Dwarf gourami