Jeanne1931: Thank you “November Rain” for hosting BaD October 2020🎃
omgdolls: Blythe a Day 31 October 2020 - How do you celebrate halloween?
Foxy Belle: Happy Halloween!
lyndell23: BaD October 31 - How do you Celebrate Halloween
spider8lesley: BaD 31st October 2020 'How Do You Celebrate Halloween?'
lyndell23: BaD October 29 - Communing with the Spirits
Jeanne1931: BaD Oct 31–How do you celebrate Halloween 🎃
spider8lesley: BaD 30th October 2020 'Communing With The Spirits'
Foxy Belle: Communicating with the spirits
Jeanne1931: BaD Oct 30–Communing with the Spirits👻
spider8lesley: BaD 29th October 2020 'My Precioussss'
Jeanne1931: BaD Oct 29–My Precioussss
lyndell23: BaD October 29 - My Preciousssss
spider8lesley: BaD 21st October 2020 'Twilight'
omgdolls: Blythe a Day 28 October 2020 - Let me in ...
lyndell23: BaD October 28 - Let me in
``` November Rain ```: October 24, 2020, Blythe a Day - The Closet Monster
``` November Rain ```: October 26, 2020, Blythe a Day - Rattle Them Bones
``` November Rain ```: October 27, 2020, Blythe a Day - I Know What you Did Last Summer
Jeanne1931: BaD Oct 27: I know what you did last Summer! 🌸💜
Foxy Belle: I know what you did last summer
spider8lesley: BaD 28th October 2020 'Let Me In'
omgdolls: Blythe a Day 27 October 2020 - I know what you did last summer
lyndell23: BaD October 27 - I know what you did last Summer
omgdolls: Blythe a Day 26 October 2020 - Rattle them bones
spider8lesley: BaD 27th October 2020 'I know what you did last summer'
Foxy Belle: Rattle them bones
Jeanne1931: Blythe a Day October 2020—The Blob
spider8lesley: BaD 26th October 2020 'Rattle Them Bones'
lyndell23: BaD October 26 - Rattle them Bones