gary.nilson: DSC_7063 bairds sandpiper
gary.nilson: DSC_7038 stilt sandpiper
gary.nilson: DSC_7989 spoonbill-
gary.nilson: DSC_7799 egret-
gary.nilson: DSC_8178 oyster catcher-
gary.nilson: DSC_1049 whimbrel-
gary.nilson: DSC_3934 egret-
gary.nilson: DSC_0148 heron-
gary.nilson: DSC_0157 heron landing-
gary.nilson: DSC_2551 egret-
gary.nilson: DSC_1068 great egret-
gary.nilson: DSC_9608 little blue heron-
gary.nilson: DSC_7990 roseate Spoonbill-
gary.nilson: DSC_8122 yellow crowned night heron-
maggie.henfield: Black-tailed Godwits Sparring
maggie.henfield: Black-tailed Godwit
Peace Correspondent: Dancing ibis in the Window
Each Moment the Universe: Kung Fu... Whooping Crane Style
Gary-Lord: Lapwing
ziggi_blue: Hjejler sam vibe
ziggi_blue: strandskade i flugt 1
Each Moment the Universe: Feeding Among the Flowers
Each Moment the Universe: Roseate Spoonbill
ziggi_blue: 2 viber
Gary-Lord: Lapwing
ziggi_blue: Præstekrave
ziggi_blue: Præstekrave
Each Moment the Universe: Roseate Spoonbills