foxie1125: 20200917_084310
foxie1125: Popped up after the rain
Pepa Morente ( 2.400.000 de VISITAS ): Sombra y Luz..."Explore 165"
50josep: Castillo de Eilean Donan ,Escocia
Jesús Iglesias Mirad: Atardecer en Maderuelo
rubenpiga: Bajo el puente
foxie1125: My mock orange shrub is blooming
foxie1125: I didn't get to take a Texas "country ride" this year to see the bluebonnets, but only neighborhood walk today I found this small patch in a neighbor's yard. Better than nothing....
foxie1125: IMG_20200317_101236_757
Mafe Ramirez: No hay ojos azules, que no se adapten al oficio de ver dentro de la selva. No hay ojos que no se arriesguen a aprender a ver
Sylvia Okkerse: reflections in a pool with a big stone at the bottom