MDawny72: Watercolor Practice
MDawny72: Ornaments 2 and 3
MDawny72: Ornaments 2
MDawny72: Ornaments 1
MDawny72: Sugar Cookies
MDawny72: Birds on a Wire - copy
MDawny72: DIY Cards
MDawny72: Believe in the beauty of your heart's wishes ~ Audrey Hepburn All finished with the addition of some vintage buttons.
funandlearntube: mini-notebook
funandlearntube: paper-game
funandlearntube: fish-origami
funandlearntube: paper-orchid
funandlearntube: paper-puppet
MDawny72: Second attempt: We grow when things are hard
novels44: Thanksgiving Crafts
novels44: Thanksgiving Baking
novels44: Thanksgiving Baking
~ Sara ~ :): "For your tomorrow, We gave our today."
novels44: Thanksgiving Crafts
novels44: Thanksgiving Crafts
novels44: Thanksgiving Crafts
novels44: Thanksgiving Crafts
novels44: Thanksgiving Crafts
novels44: Thanksgiving Crafts
novels44: Thanksgiving Crafts
novels44: Thanksgiving Crafts
novels44: Thanksgiving Crafts
novels44: Thanksgiving Crafts
novels44: Thanksgiving Baking
novels44: Thanksgiving Baking