dutchlhl: DSC04168
Sophiexscotxx: Floral and lacy nightie
dnotley20011: coolestwomanIknew
dutchlhl: DSC06257
LongHairCarolyn: Pull Through Braid
LongHairCarolyn: Coronet Braid with Flower
LongHairCarolyn: Arwen Battle Braid
dutchlhl: DSC03282_2
Haarfert: tail growth
dutchlhl: DSC03578
dutchlhl: DSCF0649
dutchlhl: DSC03418
dutchlhl: DSC05377
dutchlhl: DSC04628
dutchlhl: DSC06479
dutchlhl: DSC01379
dutchlhl: DSC04303
dutchlhl: DSC09658
dutchlhl: DSC09665
smallcurio: "April 1874"
smallcurio: "Inez Clement at 17 years"
dutchlhl: DSC00854
dutchlhl: DSC03153
Haarfert: BEF_BEFORE
Andy Ziegler: Braids in Oslo, Norway
Sophiexscotxx: Sissy Plaits