charcoal soul: And what would you like for Grinchmas?
charcoal soul: Noelle - Miss Sally Rice - yellow eyes
charcoal soul: New shirts!
charcoal soul: Wintergirls II - hats!
charcoal soul: Winter Girls I - boots!
charcoal soul: Winter Noelle
charcoal soul: Noelle's winter coat
charcoal soul: Ursula (Tommy February 6)
charcoal soul: Claudia
charcoal soul: New Friends
charcoal soul: Reading in the garden
charcoal soul: Ready to go out
charcoal soul: whee, greenery!
charcoal soul: Wet hair
charcoal soul: Noëlle in her element
charcoal soul: Zoé-bug
charcoal soul: Claudia's Halloween Dream
charcoal soul: Halloweenies - the big kid
evang0704: 手縫娃衣
charcoal soul: Olive Drab (Ixtee)
charcoal soul: Ursula in glasses
charcoal soul: Presenting Ursula!
charcoal soul: Claudia is a spoiled child.
charcoal soul: Rollergirl
charcoal soul: EBL MEET!
charcoal soul: Auugh! It's horrible!
charcoal soul: Zoé sunbathing
charcoal soul: Heart Shaped Sunglasses
charcoal soul: Is it Summer yet?
*Pueppilottchen*: Made a felted pullring...