Brigitte "Tatie Clic": Au dernier rayon du soleil
190348: réserve ornithologique le-teich)
Martine.liu: IMG_4565
Brigitte "Tatie Clic": Chat-Rrosoir (et elle a réussi à y rentrer avec son frère !)
Brigitte "Tatie Clic": Un porte-revues devenu terrain de jeux
Gerald H.: Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
Martine.liu: IMG_3488
Ronald_Yip: D6D_1838 - Scaly-breasted Munia
Martine.liu: IMG_3591
leoosesa: tamariz
taronik: coppia di mestoloni
d_salter: Morning conversation
d_salter: Great tit
Mike07922, 4 Million+ Views - thanks guys: Two Barasingha at Water Hole, Kanha NP, India - Tigers hunt this rare deer that is found only in India K__32320
Mike07922, 4 Million+ Views - thanks guys: Two Black Storks - a rare sight - Thanks to the Guides at Banhavgargh National Park India K__33911
Robert M. ( absent ): Clématites jouant les étoiles de mer.
ansonredford: DSC05790
bananaman33428: Wood Stork at breakfast
carlo612001: volo sincronizzato
Alda Cravo Al-Saude: Impressions of my summer XXII
.^.Blanksy: Naked, you are simple as one of your hands
oskar.sigurmundason: Stari - Common Starling - Sturnus vulgaris
roba66: SYRIEN - Esel am Euphrat, 12345
tsuping.liu: IMGP5735 Yellow Orchid (Phalaenopsis)