kazimierz.pietruszewski: ABF/20180601_26
kazimierz.pietruszewski: white table and column
kazimierz.pietruszewski: dog and centipede
kazimierz.pietruszewski: 1+ tango for Aldona
kazimierz.pietruszewski: summer in Kraków [11]
cosmonautix: siesta in krakow
cosmonautix: mleczarnia
cosmonautix: Mleczarnia cafe
cosmonautix: Mleczarnia cafe
deandare06: coffee at the Paradise
cosmonautix: camelot frames
cosmonautix: sunday at drukarnia
cosmonautix: graphics of the sky
cosmonautix: soul places
cosmonautix: showing faces, in shop-window
cosmonautix: summer beer
cosmonautix: mleczarnia cafe
cosmonautix: old man and french cafe. poland
cosmonautix: "les coloures" cafe in Kazimierz
cosmonautix: reader
cosmonautix: sunday in les coloures
cosmonautix: Galeria Camelot, ul.Sw Tomasza
cosmonautix: Dym cafe, view from Galeria Camelot
cosmonautix: cafe cafe
cosmonautix: Singer cafe, Kazimierz, Krakow
cosmonautix: summer moleskine pages
cosmonautix: family portaits and some coffe
cosmonautix: be square
cosmonautix: both prowincja's