Stephen Satherley: Night Time Test
Stephen Satherley: 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan
Stephen Satherley: 1950 Vauxhall Wyvern
Stephen Satherley: Ginger and Grey Cats .
Stephen Satherley: Glen and Graham 1961
Stephen Satherley: Avondale Railway
Stephen Satherley: Site where Avondale Station now is in 1993.
Stephen Satherley: 1929 Chrysler 65 Roadster.
Stephen Satherley: Cold August Night.
GPS 56: 1946 Ford V8
Stephen Satherley: Df7200 at Avondale. 2011
Stephen Satherley: Storm Brewing in Avondale
GPS 56: 1934 Plymouth PE
Stephen Satherley: 1960 Ford Zephyr Sedan in 1967
Stephen Satherley: Avondale Picture Theatre
Stephen Satherley: First upload for 2023
Stephen Satherley: House from 1883
Stephen Satherley: Hydrangeas
Stephen Satherley: Layard Street
Stephen Satherley: Large Bird in Backyard Tree.
Stephen Satherley: Ford Zephyr Mk 2
GPS 56: 1934 Ford 3 Window Coupe
Stephen Satherley: Avondale Bungalow .
GPS 56: 1936 Chrysler Plymouth Convertible
GPS 56: DeSoto Diplomat
Stephen Satherley: Old Building Avondale
Stephen Satherley: Bluck Building 1915
Stephen Satherley: Old Villa. Avondale.
Stephen Satherley: Same Location as the Preceding Picture as it is Now
Stephen Satherley: Avondale Car Dealer 1975