i eaт sтars: Happy Fence Friday!
Pheral Lamb: Anarchy Daisy revisited
i eaт sтars: Naděje není to přesvědčení, že něco dobře dopadne, ale jistota, že má něco smysl - bez ohledu na to, jak to dopadne. ― Václav Havel
douweplukkel: lowryder II
i eaт sтars: Dej každému dni příležitost, aby se stal nejkrásnějším dnem tvého života.
douweplukkel: michelle
i eaт sтars: As long as you are with me
i eaт sтars: Do one thing every day that scares you.
douweplukkel: polaroid
i eaт sтars: Back where I belong
i eaт sтars: You lift my heart up
Brendan Hinton: 2014-04-25-11.44.35
i eaт sтars: We'll get up and walk right through these walls
Brendan Hinton: 2014-04-09-17.51.15
i eaт sтars: Chasing time
i eaт sтars: “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
Brendan Hinton: 2014-03-10-19.14.50
i eaт sтars: Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
Brendan Hinton: GOPR8203