BC Medic Boss: Vancouver Police Constable
BC Medic Boss: Puerto Vallarta Police
BC Medic Boss: People's Armed Police Constables, Chongqing, China
BC Medic Boss: Policia Local - Ajuntament de Palma
BC Medic Boss: Policia Local - Ajuntament de Palma
BC Medic Boss: Policia Local - Ajuntament de Palma
BC Medic Boss: Fuerza Publica - Costa Rican National Police
BC Medic Boss: Fuerza Publica - Costa Rican National Police
dnotley20011: hongkong
dnotley20011: borderpolice4
dnotley20011: borderpolice5
dnotley20011: Mexico Drug War; photo goes to larger size with click
dnotley20011: connecticut canine police unit
el_visigodo: DSC01130
BC Medic Boss: National Parks Service Ranger
BC Medic Boss: Skagway Police Department CSO
BC Medic Boss: Canadian Military Police Service Corporal
BC Medic Boss: London Police Service
helmut the horrible: Smile for the cops
helmut the horrible: Sharp eyes see everything
helmut the horrible: "Hey, you there"
helmut the horrible: Police Charm - or is it the Army?
Anthony Benjamin: Leicester - A Beautiful Woman