UBU ♛: #3°... le avventure del signor e signora Ubu.! ...the adventures of Mr and Mrs Ubu.! ...
Danielle_T: My(1st) Flickr Birthday (flickrversary)
Miss Kaplan: hiding carriage
Danielle_T: Just go with the flow.
JonnyFinch: 14/09/10
JonnyFinch: September 1st 2010
Julio López Saguar: Transparent
Julio López Saguar: On the beach
Miss Kaplan: going away
Steve Toner: selina28
Steve Toner: selina
UBU ♛: ...senza occhi,seminando per via una maschera dopo l'altra...No eyes, dropping by a mask after another ...
Julio López Saguar: Covered motor
Danielle_T: james 3
ohneblitz: Yellow hair
Julio López Saguar: Covered with stones
aldose Aberto Dominguez: JUNKLAND (Finding Pollock) 3
aldose Aberto Dominguez: JUNKLAND (Finding Pollock)