Ingo-Valgma: Electrical grid or power network in Estonia. #30DayMapChallenge 06.11.22 Network
Ingo-Valgma: Mineral resources (ores) and mining industry in Ukraine. #30DayMapChallenge 05.11.2022 Ukraine
fquevillon: Surfaces fuyantes
Ingo-Valgma: How much is karst related to springs? 24 springs from 3062 are located in karst areas. Estonia. #30DayMapChallenge 01.11.22
fquevillon: Surfaces fuyantes
fquevillon: Érosions
fquevillon: Érosions
klas2iop: nl_pink
fquevillon: Esker / lithium
Ingo-Valgma: Water monitoring data marked as NULL in most of the water wells. Estonia. #30DayMapChallenge 29.11.2021 NULL
Ingo-Valgma: Flatness depends on the projection #30DayMapChallenge 28.11.2021 The Earth is not flat
Ingo-Valgma: Land use restrictions in Estonia #30DayMapChallenge 22.11.2021 Boundaries
Ingo-Valgma: New tool density map. Estonia #30DayMapChallenge 14.11.2021 New tool
Ingo-Valgma: Minerals in Estonia #30DayMapChallenge 13.11.2021 Natural earth
Ingo-Valgma: Protected nature in Estonia #30DayMapChallenge 7.11.2021 Green
Ingo-Valgma: Lakes in Estonia #30DayMapChallenge 8.11.2021 Blue
Ingo-Valgma: Elevation. Estonia #30DayMapChallenge 9.11.2021 Monochrome
Ingo-Valgma: Permission to mine. Estonia #30DayMapChallenge 6.11.2021 Red
Ingo-Valgma: All people in Estonia counted #30DayMapChallenge 12.11.2021 Population
Ingo-Valgma: Water outlets, water cleaning stations and wastewater collection areas in Estonia on OpenStreetMap #30DayMapChallenge 5.11.2021 Openstreetmap
Ingo-Valgma: Pumphouses and water wells in Estonia #30DayMapChallenge 1.11.2021 Points
Ingo-Valgma: Crime network tool showing related mining sites by miners according to metadata of Estonian minerals usage permissions. #30DayMapChallenge 30.11.2021 Metamapping
Ingo-Valgma: Heat map of heat wells in Estonia #30DayMapChallenge 27.11.2021 Heatmap
Ingo-Valgma: Lakes classified by height. Estonia. #30DayMapChallenge 26.11.2021 Choroplet map
Ingo-Valgma: Springs and water wells in Estonia #30DayMapChallenge 04.11.2021 Hexagons
Ingo-Valgma: Static water level in wells in Estonia #30DayMapChallenge 21.11.2021 Elevation
Ingo-Valgma: Elevation map of Estonia #30DayMapChallenge 10.11.2021 Raster
Ingo-Valgma: Directions of groundwater movement classified by aquifers. Estonia. #30DayMapChallenge 20.11.21 Movement
Ingo-Valgma: Drainage basins of Estonian rivers #30DayMapChallenge 03.11.2021 Polygons
Ingo-Valgma: 2222 Estonian islands. #30DayMapChallenge 19.11.2021 Islands