riordanmr: Side of house and patio with trees Bernard Schwartz House 2009-06
riordanmr: Front of house from street Bernard Schwartz House 2009-06
riordanmr: Front of house from street far Bernard Schwartz House 2009-06
riordanmr: Patio vertical Bernard Schwartz House 2009-06
riordanmr: House from side featuring Juniper tree Bernard Schwartz House 2009-06
riordanmr: Bed in Maid's room Bernard Schwartz House 2009-06
riordanmr: Upstairs hallway looking toward Junior's room horz Bernard Schwartz House 2009-06
riordanmr: Upstairs bathroom door won't open all the way Bernard Schwartz House 2009-06
riordanmr: Desk upstairs Bernard Schwartz House 2009-06
riordanmr: Junior's room with bookshelves Bernard Schwartz House 2009-06
riordanmr: Desk downstairs Bernard Schwartz House 2009-06
riordanmr: Living room in day with Clerestory windows
riordanmr: Far side of fireplace (library side)
riordanmr: Library side near fireplace
riordanmr: Dining room with Clerestory windows
riordanmr: Dining room toward kitchen
riordanmr: Just inside kitchen - cabinets and refrig
riordanmr: Kitchen stove and cabinets
riordanmr: Kitchen clock and stove
riordanmr: Kitchen looking up near clock
riordanmr: Wall Near Patio
riordanmr: Trees Toward Street
riordanmr: Back of house and patio
riordanmr: Path to backyard opposite main entrance
riordanmr: Front wall from street
riordanmr: Steps down to water
riordanmr: River and reeds
riordanmr: Street from carport
riordanmr: Entire house from backyard near library end Bernard Schwartz House 2009-06