VladTheGreen: Camping cup personalized using sugru.
VladTheGreen: Camping cup personalized using sugru.
VladTheGreen: Camping cup personalized using sugru.
mrsully: Sugru Disk Bracket
mrsully: Sugru Disk Bracket
mrsully: Sugru Feet
mrsully: Sugru all the things!
mrsully: Sugru
mrsully: Sugru Feet
mrsully: Sugru Feet
insomnike: Gamecube Controller Repair
0olong: Water-dwellers
pixel-rust: Portasaldatore migliorato con il Sugru
ndh: Vintage headlamp project (1 of 2)
0olong: Duck 3
0olong: Duck 2
0olong: Duck 1
moxie lieberman: Grippy-ness!
Mary Rehak: After!
Mary Rehak: Before
Pete Prodoehl: Sugru Letter Opener Repair
Pete Prodoehl: Sugru Letter Opener Repair
In Memoriam: chrisbulle: Bag Hack (with Sugru)
electro8: 110303
mali_cia: Ta-da!
mali_cia: I heart sugru!
Adriano Castro: BOSE Triport headphones mended with Sugru