Pierrotg2g: G négatifs
Pierrotg2g: Forteresse
Pierrotg2g: Jumping Jack Flash
Pierrotg2g: Mineral
Pierrotg2g: Pause casse-dalle
Pierrotg2g: Dragon 38
Pierrotg2g: The Great Gig In The Sky
Pierrotg2g: Gag ...
Pierrotg2g: Ressource
Pierrotg2g: Les tournesols
Pierrotg2g: Avion furtif / Stealth aircraft
Pierrotg2g: Free as a Bird
Pierrotg2g: Lost In The Air
anat0le.photos: Rossignol philomèle - common nightingale
Cometicon: Platycnemis pennipes
Pierrotg2g: Avant, à vent. (on Explore)
Pierrotg2g: Shadow Play
anat0le.photos: Lézard à deux raies - Lacerta bilineata
Pierrotg2g: Le dôme - Falaise du Granier
Pierrotg2g: Le Trou de la Rousse - PNR de Chartreuse
anat0le.photos: Grenouille verte - green frog
Pierrotg2g: Synclinal
anat0le.photos: Tache de couleur
anat0le.photos: Lézard des murailles - Common wall lizard
Pierrotg2g: Hauts Plateaux (on Explore)
Cometicon: Colias sp.
Cometicon: Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis
Pierrotg2g: Interception
Pierrotg2g: Astana