cystamatic: Kaya couverte
cystamatic: Weissbach - Kaysersberg
cystamatic: Munster sans fromage
cystamatic: Kaysersberg
cystamatic: Strasbourg Grande Île
cystamatic: Strasbourg de nuit
cystamatic: Bienvenu dans la jungle
cystamatic: Ben Streetgolf Laon
cystamatic: Kaya a les crocs qui poussent
Bo Hvidt: 012/365
Agent Smith: Copenhagen Springtime
Agent Smith: And suddenly it's Narnia outside
Agent Smith: SMK angel
Agent Smith: Nice day
Agent Smith: Oh, there you are...
Agent Smith: On top of things
Agent Smith: Towers of Copenhagen
Agent Smith: Ice skating at Genforeningspladsen
Agent Smith: Shopping complete, returning to base
Agent Smith: That time of year
Agent Smith: Pathways
Erik Steenberger: Pedestrian
T.S.W.P.: no cheese
T.S.W.P.: Buick 8 (hipstamatic + olloclip fisheye)
T.S.W.P.: mirror
T.S.W.P.: Live in the shadow
T.S.W.P.: the road was made for walking
T.S.W.P.: beam me up ...