markbrucker: Third and last tiny copper butterfly today.
l.acbs.(gracias 5.7 millones visitas): Final de semana macro..
markbrucker: Juniper hairstreak number three.
Bits On Twigs: Beetle Aphodius sps.
markbrucker: I guess it gave up on trying to be sneaky, out in the open this time, hahaha.
Sekitar: Segelfalter - Flambé - Iphiclides podalirius, Bisse de Mont d'Orge, Sion VS
markbrucker: Juniper hairstreak on a dandelion.
Ronald Swinkels: Kleine vuurvlinder
l.acbs.(gracias 5.7 millones visitas): manto bicolor (Lycaena phlaeas)..
markbrucker: Best photo of the spring azure butterfly to date.
markbrucker: Second spring azure I've gotten a photo of.
markbrucker: Frontal photo of an American Lady butterfly.
markbrucker: Spring azure.
Nikon Guy 56: Butterfly on daffodils