Diggerthedog99: It’s rare to complain of your lens being too long! These Tundra swans flew overhead of a pond while I was watching the other group swim.
Diggerthedog99: I was fortunate (the fish was not) to be in the right place and the right time to see this Great Blue Heron catch his supper! Sushi tonight!
Diggerthedog99: American Coot
Diggerthedog99: Some are born morning people, some are born as night owls. Some are born with a decision to make.
Diggerthedog99: You caught me staring but I caught you staring back
Diggerthedog99: The Pileated Woodpecker takes a quick pause from tree drumming.
Diggerthedog99: Ready Set GGO
Diggerthedog99: It’s always the little things
Diggerthedog99: Barrel of fun
Diggerthedog99: Hello Darkness my old friend (at 4:45pm)
Diggerthedog99: Glide through the dark times
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Grifo, Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
Glass Angel: Swanage, Dorset
Diggerthedog99: Who is going to tell him?
Diggerthedog99: Everybody Cut Footloose
Diggerthedog99: The last day of summer 2023
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Mocho-galego, Little Owl (Athene noctua)
Diggerthedog99: Great Gray Owl at takeoff
Diggerthedog99: Snack attack
Diggerthedog99: The graceful flight of a Great Gray Owl
Diggerthedog99: To all the Dads (present, future, passed, distant, figures, wild) that have provided a safe place to land and a hard place from which to launch. Enjoy your day.
Diggerthedog99: Flying low
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Milhafre-preto, Black Kite (Milvus migrans)
Diggerthedog99: DRAC-OWL-ET!
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Coruja-do-mato, Tawny Owl (Strix aluco)
Diggerthedog99: Quack if you are happy it’s Friday
Diggerthedog99: Neighbourhood watch
Diggerthedog99: Stay focused
Diggerthedog99: The male merganser pauses to check out his mate down stream.