ml's pictures: Pink-footed Goose
ml's pictures: Pink-footed Goose in flight
ml's pictures: Pink-footed, Ross's and Snow Geese
ml's pictures: Ross's Geese among Snow Geese
John McCuen Photography: Snowy Hangs Tough
John McCuen Photography: An Independent Cruser
John McCuen Photography: Marbled Godwit Primping
ml's pictures: Green Heron holding cicada
ml's pictures: Green Heron escapes
ml's pictures: Flycatcher with Red-spotted Purple Butterfly
ml's pictures: Red-breasted Nuthatch
John McCuen Photography: Great Egret in bloom
ml's pictures: Rusty Blackbird
ml's pictures: Rusty Blackbird
ml's pictures: Bank Swallow in Flight
ml's pictures: Bank Swallow, incoming!
ml's pictures: Orchard Oriole, female
ml's pictures: Great Blue Heron
ml's pictures: Mississippi Kite
John McCuen Photography: Tricolored Heron
John McCuen Photography: Nature's Private Time
John McCuen Photography: All In The Family
John McCuen Photography: Great White Egret
John McCuen Photography: Great Blue Heron
John McCuen Photography: Owl Friend of Mine