Gerry McGee: Wood Duck
Gerry McGee: Wood Duck
Gerry McGee: Grackle
Gerry McGee: Grackle
Gerry McGee: Tufted Titmouse
Gerry McGee: Northern Shoveler
Gerry McGee: Northern Shoveler
edyta.arellano: by the lake
Gerry McGee: Rusty Blackbird
Gerry McGee: Rusty Blackbird
Gerry McGee: Rusty Blackbird
Gerry McGee: White-throated Sparrow
Gerry McGee: Pied-billed Grebe
Gerry McGee: Ruddy Duck
Gerry McGee: Mute Swan on Ice
Gerry McGee: Red-shouldered Hawk
Gerry McGee: Rusty Blackbird
Gerry McGee: Mute Swans and Mallards
Gerry McGee: White-throated Sparrow
Gerry McGee: Rusty Blackbird
Gerry McGee: Red-shouldered Hawk
Gerry McGee: Red-shouldered Hawk
Gerry McGee: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Gerry McGee: Squirrel
Eddie C3: Wednesday in the Woods
Gerry McGee: Cedar Waxwing
Gerry McGee: Cedar Waxwing
Gerry McGee: Northern Shovelers
Gerry McGee: White-throated Sparrow