DeeRoo G: Mini Mania Challenge 35~ Collage
DeeRoo G: Mini Mania Challenge #34 _scape!
DeeRoo G: Mini Mania #33 Three colors and stars
DeeRoo G: Challenge 26...tumbling blocks finished
woodcut55: May show and tell DC Modern Quilt Guild meeting at Westover library. Arlington VA.
woodcut55: May show and tell DC Modern Quilt Guild meeting at Westover library. Arlington VA.
DeeRoo G: Took a workshop with Giuseppe
DeeRoo G: Round We Go
DeeRoo G: Zippy using some wool
DeeRoo G: a shower present
woodcut55: Protest Quilt. “Not One More” 3/2018 Artists Against Gun Violence.
woodcut55: Protest Quilt. “Not One More” 3/2018 Artists Against Gun Violence.
woodcut55: Protest Quilt. “Not One More” 3/2018 Artists Against Gun Violence.
woodcut55: Quilt improv. Dear Stella Green Ikebana Scraps. 3/2018
woodcut55: Ribbon star quilt bloc
DeeRoo G: Flying Gosling Tree...
woodcut55: Snow men
woodcut55: Metro coffers quilt 2017 finish
woodcut55: Metro coffers quilt chain stitch
woodcut55: Metro coffers quilt 2017 finish
DeeRoo G: Beginnings of a Halloween quilt
DeeRoo G: Epp Party possible layout.
DeeRoo G: Sundial
DeeRoo G: Sundial
DeeRoo G: Mini Mania Challenge 31-Squares
DeeRoo G: 22581772_2065544193689429_1784618306590736384_n
DeeRoo G: 22426838_158096138112908_6576012130414231552_n
DeeRoo G: Epp Party
DeeRoo G: Epp Party
DeeRoo G: Epp Party