Wasfi Akab: Splash (1984)
Wasfi Akab: Splash (1984)
Wasfi Akab: Metropolis
Vinny Gragg: Boris Karloff
Wasfi Akab: Groundhog Day (1993)
lhboudreau: Folding promotional brochure for “The Thief of Bagdad” (United Artists, 1924). Original silent film version starring Douglas Fairbanks.
lhboudreau: Folding promotional brochure for “The Thief of Bagdad” (United Artists, 1924). Original silent film version starring Douglas Fairbanks.
Wasfi Akab: Groundhog Day (1993)
lhboudreau: “The Myth of the Modern City” with scenes from Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis,” in the French magazine “L’Art Vivant,” April 1, 1927.
Wasfi Akab: Groundhog Day (1993)
R. D. Barry: Letter from Lorne Greene (Ben Cartwright of TV snow Bonanza) of Ottawa
Wasfi Akab: Groundhog Day (1993)
lhboudreau: Magazine ad for “Joan of Arc” (RKO, 1948) starring Ingrid Bergman as the French religious icon and war heroine.
lhboudreau: Souvenir book of the movie “Quo Vadis” (MGM, 1951)
lhboudreau: Robert Taylor as Marcus Vinicius leads his legions in triumph before Nero’s palace.
lhboudreau: Emperor Nero (Peter Ustinov), Empress Poppaea (Patricia Laffan) and the royal court await the entrance of lions and victims into the arena.
Wasfi Akab: WarGames (1983)
Wasfi Akab: WarGames (1983)
Wasfi Akab: WarGames (1983)
Wasfi Akab: Short Circuit (1986)
Wasfi Akab: Short Circuit (1986)
Wasfi Akab: Short Circuit (1986)
Wasfi Akab: Flight of the Navigator (1986)
Wasfi Akab: Flight of the Navigator (1986)
Wasfi Akab: Flight of the Navigator (1986)
lhboudreau: Katherine Hepburn and John Wayne in “Rooster Cogburn” (Universal Pictures, 1975).
lhboudreau: John Wayne in “The High and the Mighty” (Warner Bros., 1954) on the cover of the French magazine “Mon Film,” December 29, 1954.
Wasfi Akab: Explorers (1985)
Wasfi Akab: Explorers (1985)
lhboudreau: Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall in “To Have and Have Not” (Warner Bros., 1944).