Photo Richard 2: St. Wilfrids, Kibworth, Leicestershire
Photo Richard 2: St. Wilfrids, Kibworth, Leicestershire
Saxon Sky: South Kilworth Church
Photo Richard 2: All Hallows, Seaton, Rutland
Saxon Sky: Lutterworth Church
Aidan McRae Thomson: St Margaret's, Stoke Golding
Aidan McRae Thomson: St Margaret's, Stoke Golding
Aidan McRae Thomson: St Margaret's, Stoke Golding
Aidan McRae Thomson: Nave looking West, Catthorpe
Aidan McRae Thomson: Chancel, Catthorpe
Aidan McRae Thomson: St Thomas's, Catthorpe
Aidan McRae Thomson: St Thomas's, Catthorpe
Aidan McRae Thomson: St Thomas's, Catthorpe
Aidan McRae Thomson: St Thomas's, Catthorpe
Photo Richard 2: St Matthew's, Normanton, Rutland Water
Photo Richard 2: Gargoyle, Caldecott church, Rutland
Photo Richard 2: St. John the Evangelist, Caldecott, Rutland
Photo Richard 2: St Stephen's United Reform Church, Leicester
groenling: Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, St. Helen's, chancel, south window, detail
groenling: Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, St. Helen's, chancel, south window, detail
groenling: Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, St. Helen's, chancel, south window, detail
groenling: Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, St. Helen's, chancel, south window, detail
groenling: Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, St. Helen's, chancel, south window, detail
groenling: Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, St. Helen's, chancel, south window, detail
Saxon Sky: Newtown Linford Church
Photo Richard 2: St Lukes, Thurnby
Phil McIver: Quorn: Church of St Bartholomew
Phil McIver: Quorn: Church of St Bartholomew
Phil McIver: Quorn: Church of St Bartholomew
Phil McIver: Quorn: Church of St Bartholomew