ClaireAlex: Fox hanging
cupcakes photos: quilt I found
cupcakes photos: Mother Quilt
cupcakes photos: Just Peachy
cupcakes photos: Mother quilt block about bees
cupcakes photos: Mother quilt so far
cupcakes photos: Mother Quilt January Block
cupcakes photos: Tiny Tiles
cupcakes photos: Indigo Sheet Backing
cupcakes photos: Bespoke BOM 2018
cupcakes photos: Bauhaus Blue
cupcakes photos: Bauhaus Blue
cupcakes photos: Take a Heart
cupcakes photos: Moongate Fabric Challenge
amatlak: Front of my 2020 PMQG Moongate Challenge quilt
amatlak: Back of my 2020 PMQG Moongate Challenge quilt
ClaireAlex: 1 colot study finished
cupcakes photos: Blue & Red Double Trouble
amatlak: Library book bags I made as prizes for our PMQG Library Scavenger Hunt this month.
ClaireAlex: 1 urban chickens front
cupcakes photos: Charity Zipper Bags
ClaireAlex: Water is Life Detail
ClaireAlex: 1 water is life show
ClaireAlex: Loop d' Loop
Portland Modern Quilt Guild: Six out of 8 past PMQG Presidents Gathered Together
Portland Modern Quilt Guild: Tree Skirt from Mandala Quilt by Violet Craft (IG - violetcraft)
Portland Modern Quilt Guild: Holly Holiday by Violet Craft (IG - violetcraft)
Portland Modern Quilt Guild: Mistletoe Kiss and Alpine by Jen Carlton Bailly (IG - bettycrockerass)
Portland Modern Quilt Guild: 2017 BOM 1 by Kim Russell (IG - kipperson)
Portland Modern Quilt Guild: 2017 BOM 2 & 3 by Kim Russell (IG - kipperson)