Dalmatica: Up, up!
Dalmatica: We've all been there
Dalmatica: Ladies and gentlemen, we are floating above Seattle
Popiart: Brown eyes
Dalmatica: Dew Drop
Dalmatica: Waipio Lookout
Popiart: Indian sisters
Mellon 99: Black Rat Snake
Mellon 99: Fluff Ball
Mellon 99: Pre-Dawn Bombay Hook NWR
Mellon 99: Super Moon
Mellon 99: Full Moon over Bombay Hook
Mellon 99: Rockford Park Shadows
Mellon 99: River Otter
Popiart: PaPa FlAvA
Mellon 99: Blue Jay
Mellon 99: "Stand Fast Boys"
Mellon 99: The Capital at Dusk
Mellon 99: Carolina Wren
Mellon 99: Downy Woodpecker
Mellon 99: Pintail and Mallard
Mellon 99: Out for a Morning Swim
Mellon 99: Morning Flight
Mellon 99: Come In.........The Water's Great!
Mellon 99: Bombay Hook, NWR, Delaware
Mellon 99: Who's Down There
Mellon 99: You Caught Me!
Mellon 99: Northern Cardinal
Mellon 99: Jackson Square