E. Bartholomew: our table
E. Bartholomew: me and a bunch of odd and ends
E. Bartholomew: CZF crew 2
E. Bartholomew: zine rat!
E. Bartholomew: rat coming to visit
E. Bartholomew: Small Science Collective
E. Bartholomew: da Bunny is here!
E. Bartholomew: Greg Means hosting the library workshop, along with Nell Taylor
E. Bartholomew: library workshop
E. Bartholomew: Chicago Underground Library table
E. Bartholomew: zine library resources
E. Bartholomew: raffle
E. Bartholomew: Aaron Cynic reading about the apocalypse
E. Bartholomew: Letters to the Moon
E. Bartholomew: poetry reading at Ball Hall
E. Bartholomew: World's Smallest Puzzle
E. Bartholomew: accoustic
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Billy the Bunny making deals
iMannyChicago: Chicago Zine Fest
chloetron: Chicago Zine Fest
chloetron: Chicago Zine Fest
chloetron: Chicago Zine Fest
chloetron: Chicago Zine Fest
chloetron: Chicago Zine Fest
chloetron: Chicago Zine Fest
chloetron: Chicago Zine Fest
chloetron: Chicago Zine Fest
chloetron: Chicago Zine Fest
chloetron: Chicago Zine Fest