ZombiesniperJr: Barred owl3
Cedro de Bryl: Northern Flicker
Connor Cochrane: Barred Owl
Cedro de Bryl: California Gull
Cedro de Bryl: Rock Sanpiper
Cedro de Bryl: Pomarine Jaeger among Horses
Nicolas Forestell: Canada Jay on Mount Jackson
Cedro de Bryl: Bell’s Sparrow
Nicolas Forestell: Grasshopper Sparrow in the Francis Crane WMA
Nicolas Forestell: Chipping Sparrow in Falmouth
Nicolas Forestell: Gray Catbird in Falmouth
Nicolas Forestell: Prairie Warbler at the Kennebunk Plains
Nicolas Forestell: Long-Tailed Duckon the Merrimack
Cedro de Bryl: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Cedro de Bryl: Nuttall’s Woodpecker
Cedro de Bryl: Mountain Bluebird
Cedro de Bryl: Anna's Hummingbird
Cedro de Bryl: Common Goldeneye
Kendall Watkins: Prairie Merlin
Kendall Watkins: Fox Sparrow
Kendall Watkins: Mexican Chickadee
Kendall Watkins: Black-eared Bushtit (Melanotis Group)
Kendall Watkins: Blue-throated Mountain-Gem
Kendall Watkins: Short-eared Owl
Cedro de Bryl: Snow Goose
Cedro de Bryl: Eastern Kingbird
Cedro de Bryl: Young Barn Swallows
Cedro de Bryl: Golden-crowned Kinglet
Cedro de Bryl: Tropical Kingbird
Cedro de Bryl: Nazca Booby