fauxtophile: Desert Marigold
fauxtophile: Mohave Sunset
fauxtophile: Mojave Rock
fauxtophile: Robber Fly
fauxtophile: Robber Fly
fauxtophile: Corral Gate
fauxtophile: Desert LPF’s
fauxtophile: Juniper Tree in the Granite Mountains.
fauxtophile: Mojave Corral and Lenticular Clouds
fauxtophile: Antelope Ground Squirrel
chris98cooper: Josh Tree
Rural Warrior Photography: the strong and silent type
Rural Warrior Photography: do not pass go, go directly to jail
Rural Warrior Photography: so lonely i could die
Rural Warrior Photography: soda, anyone?
Rural Warrior Photography: desert simplicity
Rural Warrior Photography: simplicity is the key
Rural Warrior Photography: you're hiding because you are shy
chris98cooper: Mojave Rails
Rural Warrior Photography: nice cabinets
Rural Warrior Photography: walk this way
Rural Warrior Photography: past is prologue
Rural Warrior Photography: the strong and silent type
Rural Warrior Photography: the strong and silent type
Rural Warrior Photography: burger bob’s