liukkoneneemil: Fates unite
liukkoneneemil: Freezing morning
liukkoneneemil: Dark wait
liukkoneneemil: New workers in familiar corners
liukkoneneemil: Power inserted
liukkoneneemil: Sharp sounds
liukkoneneemil: Rush behind the obstacles
liukkoneneemil: Old workhorse against the sunset
liukkoneneemil: Giant on the move
liukkoneneemil: Highlighting the forgotten corners
liukkoneneemil: Misty march
ChrisGoldNY: Brooklyn in Mammoth Lakes
liukkoneneemil: Read head in the night
liukkoneneemil: Fresh movement
Sonse: Vatnajökull, Skaftafell, Skaftafellsjökull, Svínafellsjökull
Sonse: Búrfell surrounded by Þjórsá river
Sonse: Snow and Clouds up on Titlis
Sonse: Snowy vast icelandic Nirvana
Sonse: Snowy Ring Road 1, Hringvegur, South of Egilsstaðir
Sonse: Frozen No Man's Land, Icelandic Interior
Sonse: Snæfellsjökull, a glacier-topped stratovolcano that inspired Jules Verne to write Journey to the Center of the Earth
Sonse: Rock Arch Gatklettur, rising above a black sand beach in heavy snow, near Arnastapi
Sonse: Snowy Window in Borgarnes
ChrisGoldNY: Mookie in Mammoth Lakes, California
blakktom: ...Winterwald
liukkoneneemil: Needing a hand
ChrisGoldNY: Brooklyn in the Snow
七福神: kawasaki
liukkoneneemil: Scared worker
liukkoneneemil: Over icy levels