HiMY SYeD / photopia: Mayor Rob Ford files Nomination Papers for Re-Election, Election Office, Toronto City Hall, 8:30 a.m Thursday January 2 2014 - 021
HiMY SYeD / photopia: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford autographing for Ford Nation member, New Year's Levee, Toronto City Hall Rotunda, Wednesday January 1 2014
postbear: ceci n'est pas un maire.
Olivia Chow: Mike Layton at Toronto Pride 2010
postbear: a good day for toronto
accozzaglia dot ca: The Night Nathan Phillips Wept (in Kodachrome 200)
postbear: hallowe'en leftover
postbear: hallowe'en: asshole, ghoul or both?
postbear: we're fucked now
postbear: voting day
postbear: decent people don't vote for bigots
Sweet One: IMG_1284
Sweet One: IMG_1267
Sweet One: Putting ideas (literally) on the table #ward27
Sweet One: Spotted: a 3-person "Not Ford" protest. #voteTO
Sweet One: @311toronto Rowanwood Green P near Yonge :)
pooyan: David Miller
pooyan: David Miller
postbear: has rob ford stopped beating his wife?
Tania Liu: Susan Gapka for Ward 27 Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Tania Liu: Mike Layton Campaign Launch
Shaun Merritt: Better Ballots crowd at Hart House
Shaun Merritt: Keith Cole speaking
Shaun Merritt: Giorgio Mammoliti buttons
accozzaglia dot ca: Rob Ford's Pasture of Paradise
Shaun Merritt: Mark Slate for mayor
Shaun Merritt: Kevin Clarke
Sweet One: The candidates at the @heritagetoronto debate. #voteTO
JoeyS4B: VoteTo February event #34
JoeyS4B: VoteTo February event #25