Gaby Jácome: Le Mont-Saint-Michel
sistereden2: Palmyra
mikiitaly: B&W Totenkirchlein
petefoto: Pebble-Beach
hattorihanzo2010: Halls Of Power
hexaphobic: criss cross
Janina Leonaviciene: Irish flight
mikiitaly: B&W Schatten
Cpt<HUN>: Under pressure
silvesterkkk: Best sit in the Harbor
Lynnette Henderson: Cold Silence
Dré Batista: Baiana
Faddoush: Glamorous
Le Shann: Le Renard et le Corbeau
RainerSchuetz: Cold shades of Winter
fitzesqmaya: Sayil Palace detail (B & W)
fitzesqmaya: Skedaddle (B & W)
NZ Photography: Romantic Paris #2
-clicking-: Happy "Tết"
hattorihanzo2010: Woman With Fruit
Faddoush: F L O W
deolandicho: After the Cut
mikiitaly: B&W Gang in der Festung