.Diomeda: afgana ;)
Catalin_Pop: Freedom
Lorena Stoica: Calling to say hello
Horse Wing: Braila
Paul Anca: Opel Astra - Bulgarian license plates.
Lorena Stoica: She, again
Horse Wing: paths of nature
Lorena Stoica: B&W Week#7: Make me laugh
codrin1st [fake plastic tree]: Home is where you make it
Lorena Stoica: B&W week #2: Locked in Liberty
codrin1st [fake plastic tree]: what's wrong in this picture?
Lorena Stoica: A "must"
andra_tanasescu: Calatorul
Lorena Stoica: Forgot about the winter
Lorena Stoica: Alexander Hennessy[2]
Lorena Stoica: Relaxing Energy
andra_tanasescu: Purple spring
Lorena Stoica: Don´t Look Away
Catalin_Pop: Fly me to the moon
Lorena Stoica: Sisters
andra_tanasescu: Song for a lost soul
minotm: jardim botanico
madalin2: Spring Strings
Catalin_Pop: The man in black
kandras79: Önarckép