actrosMP3: Who said the back end of a bus is ugly!?
actrosMP3: One of the last true greats!
Inspector Dean: SND 120X
EHBusman1958: MB90 SMM90F London Transport
EHBusman1958: HOD75 Mervyn's Coaches
EHBusman1958: 160 JOU160P Stagecoach
EHBusman1958: 125 NLP389V Provincial
EHBusman1958: L328AUT Hotten Line
EHBusman1958: 201 F601MSL Hampshire Bus/Stagecoach
Destination Blinds: K117HUM at Depot
Destination Blinds: H466GVM GM Buses 1466 001
Destination Blinds: HNE641N GM Buses 81 001
Destination Blinds: SND120X GM Buses 5120 001
Destination Blinds: H466GVM GM Buses 1466 002
Zippy's Revenge: The Back End of a Bus!
Zippy's Revenge: Leyland Damplantean!
Zippy's Revenge: Under The Trees
Plaxtongeezer: 8758 A758NNA GMBuses
Plaxtongeezer: 8758 A758NNA on delivery....
Riceys Transport Pics: GM Buses MCW Metrobus