Jean-Paul Rivière: Sous les halles d'Auray
christian angué: Piscine à Quimperlé
andreelg: Parc à Bois anse du Scorff
Wuzbug: Watercolour sketch of Kestrel, by jmsw.
christian angué: Pietrarsa
speederpoussin: Garden of the Partal - Jardin du Partal (Grenade, Espagne)
Wuzbug: Watercolour painting by jmsw Parish Church Mold, North Wales.
Wuzbug: Watercolour painting by jmsw . Chester Cross.
Wuzbug: Speed Watercolour of Shelduck. Watercolour painting only , by jmsw. No pencil.
christian angué: Senerchia
CROQUINEUR: PARIS Passage des Panoramas
lolitapoppop: Mon chouchou 40x40cm 25 10 2019
andreelg: Pen-Mane Locmiquelic
Wuzbug: The rusting Duke of Lancaster. Watercolour painting by jmsw, North Wales.
gerard.darris: Belz - Mairie - 22 10 2019
Wuzbug: Watercolour painting by jmsw. Chester Clock
Jean-Paul Rivière: Belz, place de la mairie
IDIAY: Regresando a casa.
Wuzbug: The Cross, Chester. Watercolour painting by jmsw
Wuzbug: The granddaughter on her mobile phone. Watercolour painting by jmsw. Last stage of 4.
Jean-Paul Rivière: Le boucher et le libraire
christian angué: Dansl'église de Baye
gerard.darris: Larmor-Plage - Villas - 10 10 2019
Jean-Paul Rivière: Sur la plage de Toulhars
christian angué: Larmor centre