mocakesandfrosting: Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) and a bunch of improv dorks (D-TX)
Paladin for Congress: Luis Gutierrez (D-ILL. 4th)
Paladin for Congress: Bill Nelson (D- Florida)
Paladin for Congress: Loretta Sanchez (D-Cal 47th)
Paladin for Congress: Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland 7th)
Paladin for Congress: Harry Reid (D-Nevada), U.S. Senate Majority Leader
Politics for Misfits: Filibuster Reform
Sorento66: Congressman Chris Van Hollen
Paladin for Congress: Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal 8th, House Minority Leader)
Paladin for Congress: U.S. Representative Bill Pascrell (D-NJ 8th)
Paladin for Congress: U.S. Representative Alan Grayson (D-Fla 9th)
Paladin for Congress: U.S. Representative Tammy Duckworth (D-ILL 8th)
Paladin for Congress: U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass)
Politics for Misfits: States, Level of Education and Voting
Politics for Misfits: Final Electoral Map 2012
Politics for Misfits: Greg Palast, Superb Investigative Journalist
Politics for Misfits: Sept. 25th - National Voter Registration Day
Politics for Misfits: Carlin on Conservatives
Politics for Misfits: Vote Tammy Duckworth vs. Big Mouth Joe Walsh (Illinois-8th)
Politics for Misfits: "Champion and Still Champion"
Politics for Misfits: "We Are All in This Together" / VOTE!