RenonB: Snapdragon
ramosdiego: Lantana camara
RenonB: Dalia after the storm
RenonB: Cone Flowers
RenonB: Garden Cosmos
BeaLeiderman: Here I am! Delicate Paperflower Blossom Explored
sirhowardlee: cooked salmon and quinoa rice
sirhowardlee: Bumblebee
sirhowardlee: raindrops on a leaf
sirhowardlee: lone mushroom
BeaLeiderman: Pores and spores
RenonB: PeaVine
BeaLeiderman: Motmot feather Bush Lilies in the Winery Garden
BeaLeiderman: Weevil windows
BeaLeiderman: Periclina moth
BeaLeiderman: Honeycomb gills
BeaLeiderman: Cicada
BeaLeiderman: Monkeyhopper
BeaLeiderman: Hopper
BeaLeiderman: That 70’s Moth
BeaLeiderman: Lichen Painted Lady atop a Pincushion Blossom Honeybee pollinating a Cluster of Fuzzy Deutzia Fallen Olive Blossoms on Old Granite explored
sirhowardlee: fairy lights on branches
BeaLeiderman: True blue