Pascal Volk: Die mit dem Pieks
Ricardo Menor: Tándem de Chalcolestes viridis
jtrainphoto: Peony tree with speedlite.
Calle Söderberg: Heavyweight Champ plus Mites, Pt. 5 - _TNY_5286
haberlea: Cassis and Custard
Marcello-dell'Aquila: Macro Mondays - Stationery
Ce Rey: Junonia genoveva
sallywagnerhale: Wings Open Wide
jalbala: Anacamptis champagneuxii
blowblowblow: 023 / 2024
David Murphy (Biggleswade): Bluebell Walk, RSPB, Sandy, UK
jtrainphoto: Peony tree ready to bloom
Luís Gaifém: Misumena vatia (Clerck, 1757)
BJSmit: viperine snake (Natrix maura)
BJSmit: Discoglossus galganoi
Peter Warne-Epping Forest: Cuckoo-pint+snails
johnstewartnz: Mentmore 14ct gold pen nib
David Murphy (Biggleswade): Wood with Bluebells, RSPB Sandy, at sunrise
Santiago Gumiel: Synema globosum - Araña Napoleón
Calle Söderberg: Secret Super Spots - _TNY_0910
Txaro Franco: Flores de arándano
janhallback: 6M7A0975
banewood54: Azure Bluets
Ricardo Menor: Otoñal
Paul den Ouden: Oriental Poppy
Paul den Ouden: White Tulip
Adrian Rudak: 5I8A7795
gallatron2000: Horse Eye