lewisbw2: East Yorkshire 997
davidashworth948: Pulhams YPL 764 (1)
EYspotter: East Yorkshire 932 LX58CXH
Plzen242: Ensignbus 114
EYBusman: East Yorkshire 931. LX58CWZ.
EYspotter: CT Plus P3WTL (YN08 HYW)
EYspotter: Go North East 6973 LX58CXK
EYspotter: Go North East 6970 LX58CXG
EYspotter: East Yorkshire 931 LX58CWZ
EYspotter: [LOAN East Yorkshire (Go North East) 6968 LX58CWR
EYspotter: PC Coaches YN08HYO
EYBusman: Dewhirst Bradford GN07WVA.
davidashworth948: Metroline SEL 808 LK57 KBO
davidashworth948: Metroline SEL 745 LK07 BAU
davidashworth948: Go Ahead London DOE35 LX58 CYE
davidashworth948: Go Ahead London DOE24 LX58 CKP
davidashworth948: Go Ahead London DOE 38 LX09 BXG
davidashworth948: Go Ahead London DOE 14 LX58 CXD
davidashworth948: Go Ahead London DOE 4 LX58 CWR
davidashworth948: Go Ahead London DOE 50 LX09 AYA
davidashworth948: CT Plus EO1 PN08 SWJ
Jamie_Armstrong: 4115 YJ08EEV Seen passing Leicester Haymarket Station (20/01/24)
Busoccultation: Bluestar DOE6 LX58CWU on Route 20
Alan Sansbury: Tyrers Coaches TYR26R (PN09OKB)
Aaron's Transport Photography 2024: Cardiff Bus 472 wore this special livery celebrating Cardiff's sporting success prior to its withdrawal. it's seen on Custom House Street while on route 52 to Pontprennau. - CN57 FGD - 19th May 2022
EYBusman: East Yorkshire 6968, LX58CWR.
Seansbusspotter: Bluestar | Dennis Trident Optare Olympus | DOE36 LX58 CYF | 19
Seansbusspotter: Bluestar | Dennis Trident Optare Olympus Bluestar | DOE35 LX58 CYE | 7
davidashworth948: Yorkshire Buses LK07 AZZ
davidashworth948: Yorkshire Buses LK07 AZZ