kenDollsGT: Dolls at a highly polluted Walmart store!
kenDollsGT: Dolls at a highly polluted Walmart store!
kenDollsGT: Fairy
kenDollsGT: Scenes from today´s trip to toy stores.
kenDollsGT: Barbie Catalogue 1989
kenDollsGT: Barbie Catalogue 1989
kenDollsGT: The annoying 2-D Barbie dresses.
kenDollsGT: Palm Beach Barbie and Ken, 2001.
kenDollsGT: Have you seen my combat boots?!
kenDollsGT: Just another pregnant doll
kenDollsGT: Nikki Fashionista
kenDollsGT: Barbie (blue) Fashionista
kenDollsGT: Barbie Fashionista (blue)
kenDollsGT: scenes from a second hand store
kenDollsGT: Sisters (economic Barbies 2010).
kenDollsGT: Teresa Gateway
kenDollsGT: Teresa in a country dress
holy-molybdenum: Guess Who