cycℓops (mjlearmouth): i'm going off of the rails on these crazy cones!
D I C K S D A I L Y: N O T T A K I N G T H E P I S S
ownyuen: Vase
ownyuen: Four seasons
l o u b a: oh oh !
JOCKO.HOMO: La mécanique des fluides.
delevine: aire de reprise
l o u b a: para dónde voy ?
cycℓops (mjlearmouth): Irish street beer barn
cycℓops (mjlearmouth): owl cigars 5 cents
cycℓops (mjlearmouth): Oh Stella how I love thee
cycℓops (mjlearmouth): iconic orange symbol from the days when our City named Orange was actually all about Oranges
ownyuen: Stance
ownyuen: Fountain water
l o u b a: direccion
danforqls: panneaux.JPG
danforqls: DSC00472.JPG
céline (chibi) rabaud: Un air de montagne
céline (chibi) rabaud: Céline & Co(w)
ownyuen: The run, the fly
danforqls: Arret de bus.JPG
danforqls: Don't.JPG
danforqls: Pas de chien.JPG
danforqls: Vigilance.JPG