bikesnick: BikeDC2011 (GW Parkway, looking S)
bikesnick: BikeDC2011 (GW Parkway, south)
procktheboat: Bikers Pause at Iwo Jima Memorial
procktheboat: Mary at Rest Stop Near Iwo Jima Memorial
procktheboat: Family at Bike DC 2011
procktheboat: Getting Closer to Air Force Memorial
procktheboat: Julia, Dave, and Mary before Bike DC
tdm4us: Bike DC Key Bridge
tdm4us: Bike DC Key Bridge
tdm4us: Before the ride ~ warm and dry!!
tdm4us: It's hard to eat donuts with winter gloves!
procktheboat: Mary and Dave at a Rest Stop
procktheboat: Julia Psyched for Bike DC Despite the Rain
julia_m_taylor: CIMG0619
julia_m_taylor: CIMG0642
julia_m_taylor: CIMG0509
julia_m_taylor: CIMG0626
julia_m_taylor: CIMG0526
julia_m_taylor: CIMG0555
megabeth: Tandem Biking over Key Bridge
megabeth: Biking Over Key Bridge
megabeth: Biking over Key Bridge
megabeth: Onwards towards GW Parkway
megabeth: Biking Over Key Bridge
megabeth: Biking the Whitehurst Freeway
megabeth: Biking down Constitution
megabeth: Biking the Whitehurst Freeway
megabeth: Biking by the White House
megabeth: Bike DC Start
megabeth: Bike DC Start