mrbosslady: 0•2•5 January 25, 2010
not siskel: on my feet
Shane Connaughton: You write what you see
not siskel: jar of parsley
not siskel: i'd rather be shooting
Project Bleu Photography: 63.365.2...Choco...Choco...KWEH!
deeee!: Wonderin if these dreams will ever do,
not siskel: no explanation
not siskel: fancy schmancy
not siskel: Picnic Stand Down
mrbosslady: Day Three Four Eight: December 14, 2010
behere_now: wait on fate to send a sign
~*εrin*~: his hand
~*εrin*~: shirt blur
not siskel: on the fence
Shane Connaughton: Places you would rather be
912greens: Bottoms Series #1
912greens: Bottoms Series #2
912greens: Bottoms Series #3
not siskel: these shoes
Shane Connaughton: That time of the night
sosij: 185/365 The Shoe Fitting
~*εrin*~: crunch
not siskel: There is something about jeans and bare feet that makes me happy.
Shane Connaughton: The cold began to smoke
jon madison: bottoms
(piotr): Walking to freedom
1Q89: Chez Prune
(piotr): Anti-portrait