Bobbiodllà*: Mi morsica sempre il naso!
XrainbowxstuddedxbeltX: Shall I persuade you?
Bobbiodllà*: She took me back to the start..
XrainbowxstuddedxbeltX: Feeling like lost in space...
XrainbowxstuddedxbeltX: Help us we're drowning...
Emmett Patterson: to no longer dream.
XrainbowxstuddedxbeltX: The distance in your eyes...
XrainbowxstuddedxbeltX: You call to me Aquarius...
XrainbowxstuddedxbeltX: On the edge of Paradise...
XrainbowxstuddedxbeltX: I'll see you in my dreams...
XrainbowxstuddedxbeltX: Only when i stop to think about it...
XrainbowxstuddedxbeltX: So i dub thee unforgiven...
XrainbowxstuddedxbeltX: You know just who I am...
XrainbowxstuddedxbeltX: But now you are slipping away...
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Jackson H: sooc
Jackson H: DSC_0201
Jackson H: favorite from the set
Jackson H: DSC_0146
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Jackson H: serina